Self Advocacy
Socrates said, “the unexamined life is not worth living.”
A large part of the work that I do is focused on helping individuals become the very best version of themselves. I believe that a positively unforgettable person is someone who knows who they are, why they exist, and how to operate the machine called “self.” We all have the potential to be better today than we were yesterday, and here you can find many of the resources that can help you begin your journey of self advocacy.
Here’s what Tonya C. had to say about these resources:
Tena offered three challenges, promising they would “rock my world” and I accepted. The Greatest Salesman in the World and The 30 Day Mental Diet were prescribed reading during the course of two years. Tena was right – as Tena most often is. My world was changed for the better. Let’s be clear, these aren’t just books to read… instead this is an attitude, a way of life, another point of view designed to improve your standing. For me, it brings a wave-stabilizing calm and peace to my life, along with some other unexpected gains. For this I say thank you, Tena!
-Tonya C.
Assessments & Quizzes
Test Your Personal Empathy Level
Take my online quiz and see your empathy level! The message of empathy and compassion is as relevant now as ever, and this quick assessment will help you look inward to find the areas in which you may be able to improve.
Are You Self-Aware?
Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively through reflection and introspection. This type of awareness could be the beginning of your self-development journey. Use my quick self-awareness quiz to see where you score!
Mental Discipline Tools
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
The Greatest Salesman in the World tells the story of Hafid, a poor camel boy who achieves a life of abundance. This book is a tremendous source of food for your mind and spirit. I recommend journeying through this book while simultaneously completing the 30 Day Mental Diet.
The 30 Day Mental Diet (PDF)
Thirty consecutive days of controlling your thoughts and consciously bringing them back to positivity creates a new way of thinking… are you up to the challenge? I recommend working through the 30 Day Mental Diet while you read the book, The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.
Examine Your Mind
The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale (YouTube)
The Strangest Secret is a 1956 spoken word record by Earl Nightingale which sold over one million copies and received the first Gold Record for the spoken word. This recording is significant to me because it is filled with meaning. I highly suggest you listen!
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
Published in 1903, As a Man Thinketh is a self-help book by James Allen which highlights the idea that powerful thoughts, pointed in the right direction, are the foundation upon which success is built.