Tips for Becoming a Luckier Person


Meeting the love of your life. 

Coming up with the billion-dollar business idea.

Experiencing happiness and fulfillment.

Traveling the world and meeting life-changing people along the way.

There are some people in life who will attribute all of these instances to chance. They see people accomplishing amazing things and they chalk it up to being in the right place at the right time. They call it “luck.”

But I don’t think people get “lucky” in this life. I believe you make your own luck.

Sure, there’s a good portion of life that isn’t up to us. But we still get to control the amount of effort we put into living the one life we were blessed with and the attitude we keep along the way.  

If you want to find success and build a life you’re crazy about, it takes intention. And if you want to experience more luck, keep the four-leaf clover in the field and focus on these four things instead.

  1. Work hard. My sweet momma used to say “The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.” If you want to accomplish something meaningful you have to be willing to put in the time and effort it takes to achieve it. Stop believing there’s a shortcut. You can’t skip the starting point if you want to cross the finish line.

  2. Know what you bring to the table. I often say people know more about their cell phones than they know about themselves. Seriously! They know how to work the latest gadgets and apps, but when it comes to understanding their gifts, strengths, passions, and personality, people are stumped. If you want to experience life to the fullest, you have to start by truly understanding who you are and what you want.

  3. Persevere. We’re all going to experience hardship and adversity. That’s a given. But it’s the ones who let challenges fuel their fire and drive them further that end up winning in the long run. The most successful people in life are the ones who have failed over and over again but they chose to never give up. 

  4. Be kind and show compassion to others. While this is the last one on the list, it’s one of the most important things you can do to move the needle in your life. The people who have things work out for them - the ones doing amazing things - all make people and relationships a priority. They choose service above self. Instead of asking what others can do for you, start looking at how you can do things for the people around you. Your goodness will end up attracting more goodness for you.

Luck isn’t something you’re born with. It’s something you create for yourself.

If you show up expectant and hopeful, willing to work hard and steward the gifts you’ve been given, you will experience abundance. But if you choose to stay small, believing the lie that your past defines you and you are destined to fail, you will see the evidence of scarcity play out all around you.

Stop believing you’re unlucky. Stop thinking the cards are stacked against you.

Start showing up in your life and watch how your luck changes. 

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