Five Ways to Restore Your Patients

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Patients don’t really want to be in a hospital or a doctor’s office, right? They probably have a problem or concern—or else they wouldn’t need healthcare! This is important to remember when seeing patients daily.

1) Empathy! Critical to positive patient outcomes! Recent studies show that patients get better when they feel that their healthcare provider genuinely cares about them. “Your greatness is not what you have but what you give.” –Alice Hocker

2) Touch! The power of touch can’t be overstated. Even just a handshake, a pat on the shoulder or some kind of gesture. Appropriate touch is very powerful for patient care. It helps people bond and creates trust. Trust happens in a moment… Make your moments count!

3) Encouragement. People need encouragement. Can you remember a time in your life when you were in need and someone encouraged you? Be that for someone else. It costs you nothing more than a few moments of your time, and it can last a lifetime for many people. An encouraging word is like a gift you give to someone. Never miss an opportunity to “love on” someone with your words. According to Dr. Leo Buscaglia (who is known as Dr. Love), a sincere compliment, a smile and a listening ear can turn a life around.

4) See the good in people! Your patients turn to you for help because they trust you and the facility that is serving them. Once trust has been extended, give the patient respect in return. Do all you can to help them get the care they need and tell them that you are there to help them get better. It is ok to apologize to a patient and tell them how sorry you are that they are going through a health challenge. There is a great quote from Theodore Roosevelt that says, “People don’t care how much you know till they know how much you care.” Show them that you care.

5) Show compassion. When you see others struggling, you have an incredible opportunity to help them. There is new scientific data in the field of quantum physics that shows we are all connected energetically to each other. What we do to one affects each of us. It is in our self-interest to be kind and show compassion. The Dalai Lama says compassion is the only thing that can save us and our planet. Besides, it is the right thing to do! It makes your soul smile. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are.”